How Caregivers Can Be Prepared In Case Of A Medical Emergency

Having a solid plan in place not only reduces stress but also helps improve the chance of a swift recovery. Here are a few steps you can take for greater peace of mind:

  • Create an Emergency Checklist โ€“ Checklists should include information like emergency contacts, the names and phone numbers of the personโ€™s doctors and other medical staff, current medications and dosages, food and medication allergies, and other pertinent information. You should also ensure that the seniorโ€™s insurance information is easily accessible.
  • Consider a Medical Alert Systemโ€”When a person is at risk of falling and lives alone, a medical alert system is crucial. These devices ensure that assistance is available 24/7 at the push of a button in an emergency. Because it may not be possible for the person to access a phone after a serious fall, having access to this type of immediate help can make a difference in the outcome.
  • Organize Essential Legal Documents โ€“ Healthcare directives, durable medical power of attorney forms, and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST) all provide essential details on the type of treatment a person prefers in the event of a significant health issue. Having copies of these documents ensures the senior receives the care theyโ€™ve previously specified.
  • Put Together a โ€œGoโ€ Bag โ€“ A go bag should contain all the necessary items a person may need in the event of hospitalization, such as:
    • Changes of clothing
    • Mobile device charger
    • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
    • Spare eyeglasses
    • Books, magazines, or crossword puzzles

Make Sure Medical Records Are Accessibleโ€”Being able to share a personโ€™s health history on-demand is vital in the event of a medical emergency. You must be aware of their current conditions, medications, and allergies so that you can communicate essential information to the medical team.